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Clearing my Mind

Being a writer is hard work! And having writer's block is the worst. So in order to clean my mind and try to break through the blocks that were being an annoying obstacle in my creativity train, I took a long walk one evening.

After weeks of dust storms and unruly weather, the city was finally graced with pleasant weather. The winds were cold, the sun was setting and the water was a beautiful blue.

The sky was turning sombre as I reached the end of my walking goal. It was so nice and peaceful; the air was clear and crisp. Love evenings like these.

I absolutely love the brief time in which the sun has already set and the sky is still not dark. There's something calming and romantic about that time.

There were so many seagulls and crows in the corniche. The first thing that always pops into my mind when I see them flying overhead: Don't poop on my head!!! LOL They all gathered up on that grassy patch for some reason. Away from the waters. 

Except for this little guy. I wish my camera could have been clearer to capture this. This bird was the only one near the water, sitting on a rock. He seemed so magnificent as he stood on it. 

The lights! The gorgeous lights! Again, disappointed that my camera couldn't capture the magic of the evening and the city lights that well. But I guess I should be glad that the memory of this peaceful evening will be etched in my mind. I really felt relaxed after the walk and hey, I'm back to writing, aren't I?

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