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HMAD is Back! Yes, The "A Day" Part!

Crazy trivia: the "daily" part of HMAD ran for six years and change, but ended almost *seven* and a half years ago! It's been "Horror Movie A Week, Maybe" for longer than I delivered on the promise of the name! Time flies when you have a kid and also suffer through a global pandemic.

Then again, said pandemic is why I'm happy to report that for September and October, I'll be reviving the "A Day" part of the site, to celebrate a Halloween season where so many of us (including me, obviously) won't be able to do much else. Unlike before, thanks to the aforementioned kid (who still needs to be convinced to watch the likes of Hotel Transylvania, let alone the genuine horror I was watching at his age) I'll have to take the weekends off, but M-F I'll be posting with the regularity that has escaped me for seven years. Now that I'm stuck at home all day (and, sigh, have no other writing outlet) there's no excuse. Plus I need the 12 cents I get from Amazon sales, so there's some incentive beyond my need to be more productive.

On that note, I looked into a Patreon thing, but ultimately couldn't bring myself to do it - the site's been free (and ad-free!) for 13 years, so it felt wrong to lock off random reviews behind a paywall. Instead, I will just humbly request that if you do indeed need to use Amazon, that you use my referral link, and/or if you have the extra cash, donate to my Ko-fi. Between BMD shutting down and my work greatly reducing my hours (better than the alternative, of course), money is very tight these days, so every little bit helps. Also, not sure how long BMD will be online now that it's dead, so I'm trying to collect my "Collins Crypt" articles and perhaps cherry pick the best and add a few new ones for a cheap eBook, so keep an eye out for that!

Viva la HMAD, a site never owned by a scumbag! Just my dumb ass.

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