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Bad Days Keep Rolling

Ever had one of those days when nothing goes right? And then have that day turn into a week and then a month and then...months...?
And to think it all happens with a seemingly innocent incident- like a flash in the sky- daunting, but at the same time impossible to tell whether it will turn into a thunderstorm or just light rain.
Is it coincidental that the beginning of all bad days starts with something breaking? A knocked out vase for instant or someone's glasses breaking. Sure, at that time it feels like the pieces could be easily glued together or worse comes to worse, it could be thrown out- (hey, it was an ugly vase anyway).
But then the real trouble starts. The vase turns out to be a gift from someone important whose feelings are going to be hurt. The glasses that broke were flimsy, but going all the way to the optician is a hassle and when you go, the optician gets the prescription wrong.
And while all this is going on, something else is already manifesting in the corner, ready to pounce before even one of the problems are sorted out. This goes on and on like a vicious cycle until it depletes everything inside you- especially the one thing that made you, you.
Going through a bad day, week and month is hard, especially when the people you thought were your strength, weaken you even more. Is it their fault or the time's? Doesn't it seem odd that when everything is in place, that's when people are around you and friends with you, but the minute something bad happens, they flutter away like birds migrating for the winter?
Bad days are hard to cope with, but they can also be a vital learning experience. It's the time to experience the one side of you that you never thought existed. It is to find the strength you thought you had only imagined. It is to find what true friendship and loyalty really means.
Those who stick by you and express concern are the ones that are really important. That feeling that leaves you empty is quickly replaced by everything that you used to be, but this time you're better and experienced and stronger- an upgrade of what you used to be.

That's what bad times teaches us, through a slow excruciating process that seems never-ending. It is a part of life that will promise to return and teach you again until the lessons are etched in your mind forever. The only solace- It will pass and it will make you stronger and more resolved. 

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